Your Information will be always welcome

if you have any information about following topics, please send us.
an e-mail or write to us at the following address:

Kitasidaragun toueimati ooaza nakasidara matoba 2-1
Aichi Pre.
JAPAN 449-0211
1)the families who are ready to receive the foreigners
2)the volunteers for the aged,the handicapped and the interpreters for foreign languages
3)the wastes problem and the agricultural products of your own area
4)the local development;Owari Emi no Kai,AmaTushima Josei no Kai,Tousan Niji no Kai,Yahagi Kai,Chiikikaihatu Mitino Kai
5)the experts about Tea ceremony,Flower arrangement,Dressing Kimono,Koto(Harp),Photography,Calligraphy,Interpreter of foreign languages

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